Ziggy was pretty tuckered out from all the people watching yesterday.  He wanted to sleep in.201140525-Ziggy-iPhone-(1)

By 9am I was getting antsy and needed a walk.
Ziggy did not share (or appreciate) my enthusiasm.201140525-Ziggy-iPhone-(2)

Eventually, after much coaxing we loaded up the car (with treats etc.)
and drove to Hidden Cove Park.20140521-Ziggy-iPhone-(4)

This is a great space for Ziggy.
There has never been anyone there and the space is well contained by the shrubs.
I can let Ziggy roam.

Usually he stays on the grass.  This time, he wanted to explore the dock.201140525-Ziggy-iPhone-(6)

His curiosity was tempered with caution.
There were a lot of unusual smells.  It looks like otters have been here.201140525-Ziggy-iPhone-(7)

He was being very brave,
but seemed relieved when I told him it was time to go.201140525-Ziggy-iPhone-(9)

He was eager to explore the snack bag waiting for him in the car.