08-29-2015 A Message from Gu-Ru Pert

On this the day of the Super Moon, The Great Gu-Ru Pert has a message for his followers. The message is transmitted by telepathically. Look into his eyes: To those of you who are truly enlightened, the message is obvious. For the rest of you…. Gu-Ru Pert loves...

08-27-2015 Special Agent Roadie In Charge

Roadie has taken to her role as “Agent in Charge” like a cormorant to a ferry dock. This morning she announced that we were going for an early morning walk. “While it’s still cool and the shadows long, is the best time for what we gotta...

08-07-15 Gu-Ru Pert

Rupert the Wise has grown to the next level GU-RU Gu-Ru Pert has transcended words He is all about dwelling in beauty.

08-02-15 Cousin Annie (L’il Bear)

A delightful puppy ready to play!When she got excited, she gets wound up and wiggles so fast it difficult to get a clear shot. She loves wrestling with Roadie and Roadie loves sweeping the floor with Annie. But in the heat of the day, Roadie could only sleep. Annie...