10-04-13 Monster!
1:48pm, clear sunny skies and temps in the mid 60′s. Thought it would be a good day to let the girls have a good run out of the coop.
But when I got there, they were all upset. Instead of them pushing to get out ot the coop, they all huddled around me, all talking at once. Finally Luella pushed forward and spoke slowly like she was speaking to a child. (She figured me out. My AmeriChick is more than a little rusty.)
“There was a MONSTER!” she said. “A four legged. And he asked us to come out and play.”
“We all said ‘NO!’ And the MONSTER got MAD!”
Luella did her best to describe what happened next.
But in her rising excitement she spoke so fast I could not understand.
When she finished, I asked her to draw me a picture of the MONSTER. She called Lefty to make the drawing since she is the artist in residence. Lefty set to it with great vigor:
They all seemed to realized that I FINALLY understood what happened. They began to calm down. No one wanted to go out. They were starving and began eating ravenously.
Gave them extra cracked corn and meal worms for being so brave.
I gave Luella my phone number and told her to call me the next time there was any trouble.
Any time, night or day, I would come.
Got 6 eggs today.