01-05-2016 Henry visits the Suquamish Pier
Henry is pretty easygoing. But these last few days, the rain and cold has kept us in the house. We were both needing to get out.He suggested we go to Suquamish to walk the pier. And so we did.
Henry loved the walk.
Especially he loved how the gulls would let us get
about 4 feet from them, then they would fly off
without Henry having to bark.We were going to go to the floating platform and take a low angle shot with Seattle in the background, but the otters didn’t clean up after their New Year’s party…
and Seattle wasn’t there anymore.
Henry bought us pizza!
When he told me about this amazing chip he had embedded,
I thought it was only for finding him if he got lost…
But it does make sense. A lost dog’s gotta eat.