03-20-14 Thursday

I arrived at 1pm sharp. Roadie was happy to see me. Pretzel, not so much. He barked every time I brought a load of my stuff into the house. After hanging with them for an hour, we hadn’t made much progress. Lucky was no where to be seen. Pretzel barked whenever I moved. Roadie would look at me when I said her name, but would not come to me.


Since Pretzel was the most vocal, I asked him what should we do for a ‘bonding’ exercise. Without hesitation he trotted out the front door and up to my car. Road trip it was. I opened the back door. Pretzel hopped in and claimed the front passenger seat. Roadie had to be lifted in. I rolled all the windows down. Roadie stood with her hind legs on the back seat and front legs on the divider between the two front seats. She leaned into my right shoulder. After thoroughly inspecting the floor, Pretzel sat tall and proud in his seat.


And so we drove very, very slowly to the neighbor’s up the road. It took us nearly 5 minutes to get there and even longer to get back. By the time we got home, we were best buds. Pretzel walked right beside me. Roadie came to me when I called her. Yeah! Treats for everybody.

Next adventure – where’s Lucky? Perhaps upstairs.


She was not happy that I found her hideaway. A couple of hours later, she came downstairs and talked to me at length. She likes to pace when she talks. When she was done, she said she needed a drink and stomped off.

We all had dinner at 5:30 and went for a short walk after.
Pretzel was not up for a long walk. Then they settled in for some serious play time:20140320-Roadie-n-Pretzel-(8)And soon they were pooped out.20140320-Roadie-n-Pretzel-(22)

Susan came over at 6:30. We all piled into the car and drove to Suquamish to visit Chief Seattle’s grave and celebrate the coming of Spring.

We got home at dusk. The coyotes began singing. Roadie and Pretzel began barking. They wanted to chase the coyotes. I asked them to stop barking and show me their ‘warrior faces’.

Roadie went first:20140320-Roadie-n-Pretzel-(20)

Pretzel went next. He said is was all in how you set the ears:


It’s 9:30 now. They’ve been great. No barking. From time to time both would get up and put on their ‘warrior faces’ then settle back in their beds certain that the coyotes would never dare enter the house.

January 2025