03-23-14 Sunday Morning Trip
“We started the day slow. Watched ‘Sunday Morning’ together.
Apparently this is one of Joe Friday’s favorite shows.Roadie not so much.
She agreed to wait for us if we agreed to go on a road trip after.
Roadie was all too happy to direct the trip.We headed to Lynwood then up the east side of the island.We stopped at the Creosote park. Joe Friday got irritated with me for not holding his leash.As soon as I picked it up, he raised his head and picked up the pace.
We got to the beach in no time.
Roadie had to smell all the plants. I think she’s an armature botanist.
Roadie wanted to go to my place.Roadie kicked back while Joe Friday did a security sweep of the condo. He’s amazingly limber, especially when treats are involved.
We spent a little time at Winslow Green. Roadie taught me how to play fetch.
We headed home. The pups helped me pack up and load my car.
Roadie kept look out to make sure no coyotes came to steal my stuff.
Friday parked himself under the rear of my car.
He would not come when I called, even when I offered treats.
He wasn’t going to let me leave without him.
We had a talk. I promised to come again.
Only then did Friday agree to come back into the house.
But he was not happy about it.