07-03-14 Operation Coyote Bait
Hello, I am the Director of Operations for THE AGENCY.
I would like to welcome to our ranks our newest graduate from the academy, Agent Debbie.
Under the mentoring of Special Agent Joe Friday, Agent Debbie. has progressed so rapidly in her skill set, that she has earned her undercover name:
Xena Rookie Warrior
Xena recently completed her first undercover assignment:
Operation Coyote Bait.
Under the supervision of Joe Friday, Agent Roadie covered Xena’s clothing in bacon grease. (Note her face is covered to protect her secret identity). Friday and Roadie then retreated to the surveillance van to record the operation. Xena then held the pose of road kill carrion from Noon till midnight. Thanks to Xena’s top notch performance, the operation was a success.
Thank you, Xena Rookie Warrior!
Now onto a related topic. There have been grumblings in the ranks that Operation Coyote Bait was nothing more than the hazing of a new recruit. There is not a shred of truth to that rumor. To clarify this further, I turn you over to Special Agent Joe Friday.