07-03-14 Third Stay with Joe Friday & Roadie

I got home last night from 5 days on Vancouver Island in Cowichan Valley. Susan and I did some great Orca whale watching with Ocean Ecoventures – they do a great job.

So I was a bit travel weary when I turned onto the gravel road leading to Joe Friday & Roadie’s home at 10am this morning. To my surprise, there was a deer on the road nibbling grass.DeerEscortI came to a full stop. She looked up for a bit then returned to grazing. I inched forward. Eventually she stopped eating and started a slow walk down the middle of the road. She walked me all the way to Joe Friday’s drive then slipped into the woods on the right.

When I got to the house, Roadie and Joe Friday were most enthusiastic in their greetings. Roadie mouthed my forearm happily. Friday grunted with every full body wiggle. While I unloaded my car, they both parked themselves next to the Volvo – Friday said something about an operational imperative requiring me to take them on a road trip.

20140703-Roadie-et-al-d3000-(9)I begged off.

The whole time I was unloading and settling in, Lucky supervised from her red chair.


She usually hisses and me and bolts out of the room. Something has changed.
Hmmm. She might be up to something.

Soon, Roadie and Friday gave up on begging for a road trip
and took up a vigilant stance in the living room to protect and serve!20140703-Roadie-et-al-d3000-(4)

I soon joined them. I had a lot of vigilance to catch up on.

January 2025