09-30-14  Mr. Stellar Jay

It was nippy this morning. Lots of fog in the tree tops…
20141001-Roadie-(1)I got up about 5am and lit a fire to warm up the house. Joe Friday and Agent in Training, Roadie held their positions on the couch with unflinching dedication.

20141001-Roadie-(9)I returned to my prone position close to the other agents to resume our team building exercises… mostly nap bonding.

Around 8am the Roomba came out to perform a scheduled surveillance sweep.
He suddenly stopped and shut down. roomba-diedNo button pushing or nudging could wake him up. About 20 minutes later, a Stellar Jay showed up at the window. Identified himself as IT support sent by Lucky.

20141001-Roadie-(10)He did a cursory exam from his perch.20141001-Roadie-(21)After about 5 minutes or so – he suggested I do a CTRL+ALT+DEL … apparently he used to work for Microsoft. I reminded him that this device has no keyboard. We need another solution.

“Just a minute,” he said, “let me take a look in my toolbox.”20141001-Roadie-(14)So he looked, and looked….20141001-Roadie-(25)And finally he came up with something…. 20141001-Roadie-(18)A sunflower seed. I was less than pleased. He had a few choice words for me.20141001-Roadie-(11)I told him that I was not please with his service. Where upon he made a rude gesture.20141001-Roadie-(22)I’m not sure the exact translation, but it was clearly not a compliment. Before I could come up with a suitable retort, the Coopers Hawk swooped in and Mr. Stellar Jay made his exit. The Roomba will have to wait.

The day is warming up. The garden is in full autumn bloom. How good is this?20141001-Roadie-(6)

January 2025