04-13-14 Lucky’s Report

04-13-14 Lucky’s Report

04-13-14 Lucky’s Report I’ve been looking after you all for almost a decade. Let me show you how I operate. Here’s my indoors hideout.Here’s my study.Friday and Roadie help me, ah… , organize my files I do some of my best work outside Some of my best ideas come to me...
04-07-14 Training – Cultivating Assets in the Field

04-07-14 Training – Cultivating Assets in the Field

04-07-14 Training – Cultivating Assets in the Field “An agent is only as good as his information.” Friday started “To gather that information you need as many eyes and ears bringing reliable information to you as you can get. This afternoon, Roadie, you are going to...
04-07-14 Total Situational Awareness Training

04-07-14 Total Situational Awareness Training

04-07-14 Total Situational Awareness Training Woke up to woodpecker working the roof this morning. I opened the fireplace to warm up the living room. The woodpecker jack hammering roared out of the fireplace. He must be right on the chimney. As soon as the fire got...
04-06-14 Sunday

04-06-14 Sunday

04-06-14 Sunday It was cool with low cloud cover today. Woke up about 7:30 to what sounded like a loud buzzing upstairs. It was intermittent. It would go for 15 to 30 seconds then stop for a minute or so then start up again. I put in my hearing aids and went upstairs...
04-05-14 Saturday

04-05-14 Saturday

04-05-14 Saturday At 9 last night, the sky was full of stars and a bright sliver of moon. A rare night without a cloud. The frogs’ song was deafening. It’s cool and overcast today. A good day to go turtle, build a fire and work on yesterday’s photos… and wait for the...