Rupert’s Leap Rupert’s Wisdom Train your human well. He will be much happier if you do. Search for: April 2019 M T W T F S S « Oct 1234567 891011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 2930 Back to Rupert’s...
There be Dragons 9 am The eagle gave us another fly by this morning. 2 pm We took a long walk with Rupert. We headed north. Hadn’t gone that way before. At the end of the beach we found a dragon: Rupert got a great workout. He brought his favorite tennis ball. He...
First BBQ , Duck and Cover 7 am – Long run on the beach this morning. The mist is thick this morning. We’re told it will be sunny this afternoon. Rupert hung out with Susan while I went back to our condo to do some chores. The weather turned bright: We decided to have...
Walk in Beauty 6 pm: plenty excitement with lots of visitors. Susan came over. She showed me a card she made with one of my pictures, an eagle skimming just above the water. Just then she looked up and said, “There’s an eagle in that tree. The third one from the left...
Back to Winslow Green 9:30 am The tide had gone out far enough for a good run on the beach. To my surprise, after about 15 minutes, Rupert decided he was done. He took his ball and headed up the stairs. Later we headed over to Winslow Green to pick up a couple of...